Best Practices 1


Organization of ChatraKalyanParishad (Student Welfare Organization) Festival in the College.


To encourage talented students to come forward and showcase their talents in front of the entirecollege, and to promote student leadership.


Many students have talents in the co-curricular field and this three-day festival is a fantasticopportunity for them to express their creativity in their chosen fields.

The Practice:

The College allows the students the freedom to organise this three day festival. A numberof competitive cultural programmes are shortlisted. These include activities like extempore debate, fancydress, one-act plays, mono-acting, solo as well as group singing, solo as well as group dancing, nukkadnatak, poetry recital etc. A committee of 2-3 teachers as well as students is set up to register students foreach activity. Students can rehearse in front of teachers and can take suggestions from them forimprovement. A committee of teachers is selected to form the Judgement Panel, different for each activity. The results of each competition are declared immediately after the event. On the final day of the eventprizes are handed out to the winners. The entire 3 day festival is video graphed & photographed.

Evidence of success : –

  • The SWO festival is the highlight of the year for the students. There is massinvolvement of students both as participants and as spectators. The success of the festival is evident by thelarge audience it draws as well as the enthusiastic clapping and cheering by the audience and also by thelarge number of students who sign up to take part in all the activities. The event is truly a resoundingsuccess.

Resources Required : : –

The college arranges the Pandal arrangement, sound and light arrangement, theseating, refreshments serving etc. Participating students are given lunch packets made in the collegecanteen. Internal resources of the college are mobilised in seating, decoration etc., for which differentcommittees (like stage decoration committee, seating committee etc.) are set up with 4-5 teachers. Allcommittees work seamlessly to make the event successful and entertaining.