Gokul Das Hindu Girls' College was established in the city of Moradabad in 1952 and affiliated to Agra
University. Since then, it has been at the forefront of women’s education. Presently affiliated to M.J.P.
Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, the college has 17 departments in all – 06 PG departments and 11 UG
departments (including B.Ed), approx. 2000 students, 35 permanent faculty members, 15 part-time
faculty members, 11 non-teaching staff members , a full-fledged games and sports section, more than
40,000 books in the library as well as research facility available in 09 subjects.
Gokul Das Hindu Girls' College is situated in the heart of the city of Moradabad. The catchment area of
the college is the poorer sections of the society – daughters of daily-wage labourers, painters,
carpenters, brass artisans, rickshaw- pullers and the like. The girls coming to the college do not have a
home environment that is very conducive to higher learning. Ours is a government affiliated institution
which gives wings to the aspirations of these girls and aids them in their quest for higher
learning. Although Gokul Das Hindu Girls' College is a relatively small institution, we are a committed lot, striving
for excellence in higher education within our limited resources. We aim to equip our students to fit into
the national and international workspace by providing them with quality education.